
Thursday, 27 June 2013

AVENGED SEVENFOLD: New Album Title, Cover Artwork, Release Date Revealed

Just announced their new album (Hail to the King) on August 27th. They also released the Album Title and Cover Artwork (see below).

Over the past few months they have released sneak peaks of the new album.


Movies I've found on YouTube 2

So a couple of days back I posted some movies that I found on YouTube. So since then i've spotted a few more so I decided to do a part 2 of this post. If you haven't seen my previous post  Click Here. Enjoy. Edit: Found a whole lot more on Reddit

The Hills Have Eyes (1977)

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)

Day Of The Dead (1985)

Bridge to Terabithia


The Hot Chick (2002)

Mean Girls (2004)
The Dictator (2012)

The Call (2013)

Interview with a Hitman (2012)

Some Like It Hot (1959)

Dog Soldiers (2002)

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Movies I've Found On YouTube.

Hey guy's here are some movies i've found on YouTube. This does not reflect the taste in movies I have these are just random movies i've found. enjoy ^-^

Dogma (1999)

I Know Who Killed Me (2007)

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999)

Injustice Gods Among Us

Sweet Home Alabama (2002)

Stick It (2006)

Dante's Inferno Animated (2010)

My Favourite #BooRadleyVanCullen Tweets From "Cat's Cradle".

Here are some of my favourite  #BooRadleyVanCullen tweets from last nights Pretty Little Liars episode "Cat's Cradle".

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

YouTube Find!

So I was trolling through YouTube and I came across a channel called Walk Off The Earth so i decided to share it with you all. Here is one of my favourite cover by them enjoy!

Monday, 24 June 2013


For anyone who watches Pretty Little Liars i would recommend following #booradleyvancullen on twitter. It's hilarious and also some people make very interesting point on the mystery.

Song Of The Week!

So I know it's call 'Song of the week' witch means it's meant to be weekly. >.< I think that maybe having the title as "Song Of The Week!" is slightly optimistic maybe calling it "Songs that are meant to be weekly but are only shared when I remember I've to post a song every week?" should be a better title. Anyway back to business. This week because its been a aaaaaagggggggggeeeeeesssss since I posted I'm going to post a number of songs. For those who are new "Song Of The Week!" is just me posting a song that has been floating around in my head (even if I hate the artiest grrrr!) or a song I've heard and was like "Wow i love this song but haven't heard it in ages" .... And now for the reason of this post this weeks song(s) of the week are  .... *Drum Roll* 

First of all i don't want to bore you with me posting every song on paramore's new album so ill just post one of them ^-^

Still into You - Paramore


Right Now - Rihanna

Blurred Lines - 
Robin Thicke ft. T.I. & Pharrell Williams  
for the NSFW video click here

 Same Love - Mackelmore & Ryan Lewis

Work - Iggy Azalea 

Jump - Rihanna

White Noise - Disclosure

To View more songs click here.